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Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
(J K Rowling)

Arguably the best book in the series. J K Rowling is in a class of her own that is well documented by the millions of copies of her books sold world wide. Just when the critics started claiming JKR has lost her touch, and that the Harry Potter series will never regain its old charisma she came back with a bang. The half blood prince aside from topping countless best seller charts also won critical accolades for the writer.
The book begin on a happier note unlike its predecessors, and the devout Harry Potter fans welcome back a more mature and rational Harry. The very first chapter sets the mood for what is the most serious of all books in the series. Dark and winding tale encircling our beloved teenagers. Through the regular rigour of schools, the outside world is at a war, literally. Disappearance, deaths, panic and chaos. The rise of Voldemort is quick and swift, but his abscence throughout the book is unnerving.
The book is different in the sense it explains loads of stuff but with the usual lightness and the same funny Ron and ever scowling Hermione.The book promises to leave you shocked because its nothing like anybody could have expected it to be...a horrible death, betrayal, love it has it all. If you are any bit human, if you are into Harry Potter books, this book will leave you in tears, this book will leave you a part of Harry Potter as he prepares to undertake what will be the toughest journey of his life. Ron and Hermione will be there, till end... Dont we all wish we had friends like that?

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- Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

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