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The Noni Theory
(Jonathan L.Smith)

I looked at a book by Neil Solomon, "Noni Juice How much, How Often, For What", and the crazy thing is that as I tried real noni juice from Tahitian Noni International, my kidney function returned. My story begins in 2003 when my kidney disease took a turn for the worst and I went into kidney failure. I was in the hospital for a week and needed a blood transfusion along with an access for dialysis. This seemed like to longest week of my life and I didn't see how my life would continue living on dialysis. I guess my first thought was that this dialysis thing was my path to death because many people spoke of it and it seemed scary.
My mother who is a very diehard Christian, had introduced me to Noni and had wanted me to get on it years earlier, but I was skepical of it because it seemed like it was no different than the rest. As I was on the dialysis machine for 4 hours and my body felt like I was dead because I was cramping, getting very sick and just useless for my family, I called my mother and asked her to give me some of this Noni Juice. As I was taking it, she also showed me this book from Neil Solomon. As I read it, it seemed like a fake idea from some writer who wanted to make money. Reading this book, it showed me that people with kidney disease had a 67% result taking 2 ounces per day. Now I really didn't want to beleive it, but between my faith in God and this juice, I had no other choice. I began taking this juice around February, and months and months past before I saw anything. In September of 2003, I was getting ready to get on the Transplant list, and was doing so many test, one of which was a 24 hour urine test. I didnt get any results back until October 3,2003 and I went to dialysis as normal,but it was not a normal day. The head nurse at the clinic came out to greet me, saying "I have good news and bad news". Well my first thought is that this woman can't have any better news than the crazy life im living on diaylsis. Plus i knew it was too short to know anything concerning my transplant because I was not approved yet and even if I was approved, I still had a long waiting time. So she proceeded to tell me, "Mr. Smith the bad news is that you cannot come back to this clinic", now I thought to myself I know my insurance is good i'm with the VA. Then she said, "The good news is that your kidney's are functioning again". Now when she said that I dropped to the floor. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe that my kidney function would return because all my doctors said that I would need a transplant. The only thing I could account to my function returning was the Noni because that was all i was taking.
From all that Neil Solomon wrote to do, I took it to heart and tried it, now I am a firm believer in Noni Juice. The best thing I learned also was that you must be careful with what kind of Noni juice you take because I went to Walgreens also and tried the $14.99 bottle thinking that it would do the same as a $45 bottle from Tahitian Noni, but I was wrong. I lost my kidney function once again because I was putting more potassium in my body than I could handle and it caused my blood pressure to rising and my kidneys to shut down once again. I am now taking the Tahitian Noni Juice once again and my kidney function is returning. I know many people may not believe me, but to tell you the truth I dont care. I have found a supplement to help my body and just hope to spread the news concerning the value Noni does have. If you want to know some more info just go to www.solesurvivorinternational.com because I have been blessed to have more control of my life and live the hope to see my son grow up.

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