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Basílio Cousin
(Eça de Queirós)

Basílio, cousin of Luísa, are for arriving at the city. Luísa is a pretty woman who likes to read romances and passed infancy and first meeting with the cousin who was young rich, but that he became poor and he came to Brazil, where he reconstituted the wealth and he was travelling for the Europe. Luísa changed correspondences with Basílio and three after its departure of it knew Jorge, who of beginning did not please it physically, but that he decided to marry when it spoke: ?We go to marry, hem?. Jorge is Engineer of Mines and during the summer in the North he passes a work hours it are of house in San Domingos. Luísa is held, close friend of Leopoldina, a young woman married João Noronha, used of Customs, but Jorge does not like this friendship very. Although always with people for close, Acácio Council member ?model of pompous and satisfied mediocrity I obtain same ?1, Sebastião, D. Happiness, Juliana, Joana, and etc. Luísa does not resist the enchantments of Basílio cousin and finishes becoming related in the absence it husband in the just-arrival it old boyfriend the Lisbon. Juliana, created of Luísa, obtains to acquire romantic letters that demonstrated the relationship of the cousins and initiates a blackmail. Juliana depletes Luísa, makes the ?bourgeois madame? to pass for all the squeezes of being employee, Basílio disappears and leaves the loving one to the plans of Juliana. Luísa searchs a way to acquire the letters and obtains way Sebastião, a friend of the family. Jorge arrives of the work hours in San Domingos. Luísa is sick and dies and Jorge discovers the infidelity of the wife.

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- Primo Basílio

- O Primo Basílio

- O Primo BasÍlio

- O Primo Basílio

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