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Selected Writings Of Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Ralph Waldo Emerson stands as one of the greatest figures in nineteenth century America.Born in Boston in 1803,He early knew adversity. He persevered, however, To become one of his country's most vital voices: an immensely influential lecturer, essayist and a poet and a fierce foe of slavery and political immorality. As noted by a scholar, "Emerson took constant risks in following the bent of his thought wherever it might go... all the riska of a man can take when he grimly determines to abandon repose and seek the truth."
It is no surprise that Emerson found a parallel to himself in aq shakespearean character whoes achieved ideal would have been the dramatic rendering of all roles. Emerson's entire life, perosonal, intellectual, and social, is best read as a drama, in which no permanant victory was permanant victory was possible.. leading to the neverending path of search...from dark to light and so on.. His journal are sometimes a running dialogue between his various selves which always had various hues and shades.His writings are often dramatic engagments between himself and his readers.
This Signet Classic launch of selections from Emerson's Letters, Essays, and Poetry offers a broader perspective of auther's exclusive work. The writings range from homely descriptions of daily life to superbly polished meditations on human purpose and destiny.
I especially liked this book as it showcases selected writings by Emersons and are more than enough to arrouse our interests in knowing him better. I found Emerson inside me while reading this very book. This may be because of the fact that he always believed an followed that " Write always for yourself and you write to an eternal public. Most of all, he tried to be the active soul, with a sensibility so fine that no experience could possibly be empty of meaning.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.... by a hero himself..

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