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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott)

Alcott calls her portrayal of life, ?Little Women??a tale of love, of pain, of sorrow, of joy of relationships, of adolescent dreams, of political uncertainty, of human bonding?
As we walk through the path of life we meet our inner Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy, the beauty of this novel lies in this ?identification? and real life portrayal of situations. Every emotion of a human reflected poetically by the author. The tales entwines the readers from a cozy family planning a Christmas gift for their Mother and sacrificing their own to do so, this touches each heart. Friendship is vital for us social animals and the birth of a ever lasting friend, Laurie is heart warming, the readers feel satiated with the ?the older Mr Laurence? rich and lonely reflection against the warm March family. ?Marriage?, the ?necessary evil? is dealt delicately with the ordeal of Meg, then her coyness as Mr Brooke proposes, brings a smile to the readers face, most couples have been through this or similar situations of courtship and Alcott narration is one of the most beautiful scenes. The reader flows through the tale and encounters ?Building castles in the air?, then falls into the nostalgic trap laid by the author, we wind back to our childhood dreams and try to take a peek into our future aspirations, The reader feels Beth pain, the fever seems truly dangerous and the readers find themselves silently praying for gentle Beth?s well-being. Alcott rounds up her tale with the entire family gets cozy and happy again with Mr March?s return. The curtain falls down on the ?Little Women? who lived in the backdrop of abolishment of slavery and the strengthening of women. Alcott?s pen flows through the emotional tale of the four sisters and will never turn gray.

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- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

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