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Five Minutes
(José de Alencar)

Five Minutes tells the story of the author's marriage with Carlota. Yet, for the reader, it looks like listening to a story that's not for him, since Alencar heads its text to a cousin. Here the reader is a third person, a voyeur between José de Alencar and his cousin. At the same time that he tries to induce the reader to think that everything is imaginary and are part of the author's fantasies, José de Alencar insists of narrating true facts from the time, real events that marked Rio de Janeiro in the beginning of the century. He's so thorough in that aspect that he even tells dates, times, etc. At present, the romantic author's stories pass by almost childish and naive for the modern reader. They are narrations in which love always wins, lover's passionate decisions, love and love and love. At that time, the bulletins were read by the bourgeois' wifes. Exaggerating a little bit on the dose, we could say that Alencar vaguely recalls the books that wraped single young girls, however it can't be left unsaid that his writing, language, and stylistic way are of extreme quality. It was Alencar who dissociated from the portuguese writing pattern to permanently inaugurate our own brazilian text. The books Five Minutes and The Little Widow talk about the bourgeois way of life. Its characters are characters that, deeply inside, represent the unfinished ideal of the bourgeois way of life, tropically reproduced in the brazilian court. In Five Minutes, the narrator-character is available from the first to the last page, to satisfy all his imagination's whims. Without any professional commitment, the financial aspect of his pilgrimage after Carlota never comes to worry him.

Resumos Relacionados

- Once Upon A Blind Date

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- The Little Brunette

- Why Eleven Minutes?

- The Shadow Of The Wind

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