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Searching For A Dreamgirl
(johny moran)

the abstract below reveals a young man's lust to drink from the fountain of love and lie on the bed of beauty.simultaneously revealing to the enigmatic but yet beautiful feminine gender.Johny artfully expresses a young man's unquenchable thirst for love and beauty.

its filled with the spices of laughter,anxiety,tears,honesty,.....................and ofcourse with the flavour of homour ,making it a perfect apetite for book readers.it freaks that sometimes our sincere laughter can be an exibition of our pain and agony that we have secreted in the depth of our heart.its a roller-coster ride offered by johny ,who majestically states that life is a pleasure trip filled with unpredictable adventures...............,in his never ending search for a dream girl he has pointed to the typical quest for love blossoming in the hearts of the masculine gender.

the way it is presented by johny revealing the secret recipe of life is worth applauding and a "must - read" for all the bookworms.
a young man's search to find his dream girl,his beautiful damsel,his lady - love,his queen of hearts couldn't have been more beautifully expressed as done by johny.he has not only dealt with a man's desire for love and beauty but also interwoven the entire story with the realities of life that make us laugh heartily on many occasions and sometimes tears sprout forth our eyes like a heavy downpour.................................... ........................................... ..................................................................
finally the use of homour and the interplay with words ,similies is fanta-fabulous

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