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Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
(robert tresell)

written in the early 1900 this book has without a doubt become one of greatest pieces of political work in english history. Set in the coastal town of Hastings it tells the sad and cruel life a group of house decorators and looks in detail at the plight of the work classes during that time. As the book evolves you find your self becoming drwant into one of the cetral members of the story and as the sory unfolds you become that person, understanding their hard ships , seeing why the lower english classess were oppressed. During the book you come consumed with that turned out to be the birth of the labour partty in England and what its meaning was at that time. Not a dry book and once you start you will find it hard to put down.
What makes the story even sadder is the knowledge that this book wa turned down by all the major companies this led to Tressell leaving england for canada, however on ruote he becoame vert ill and eid shortly after landing in canada, just after that he recieved a letter talling him the book was published and as history as shown it is now a best seller, I urge you to buy this na dpass around your friends

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