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How To Make Love All Night And Drive A Woman Wild
(Barbare Keesling)

Every woman dreams of having a partner so strong and passionate that he can just keep going...and every man would love to make this dream come true. But can it be done? In her book, Barbara Keesling explains how men can attain a level of bodily control that allows them to achieve multiple orgasms, full and powerful, without losing their erection. Keesling encourages men to explore their sexuality in ways that few may have believed were possible. She leads them to discover the overwhelmingly intense pleasure given by multiple orgasms. Penile control is no longer just for masters or Far Eastern gurus; in fact, many ordinary men have already learned to control their erections in order to experience multiple orgasms. These are not supermen: some are young, some old, some are fit, others are overweight, and so on. What these men share is a wish to experience deeper pleasure and please their sexual partners by using a simple technique...

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


