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Julius Caesar

?Julius Caesar?, the politico-historical play of Shakespeare, should be studied and restudied by political scientists, political leaders, diplomats, management experts, psychologists, historians and definitely by lovers of literature of all languages. Some of its lines like ?Et tu Brute?? (You too Brutus?) , ?Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more? can be heard often from persons who have never had occasion to go through this great masterpiece.

Julius Caesar was at the height of his glory then. The very opening scene deals with mass psychology which adulates a political leader at one stage and soon forgets him and adores his slayer himself. The streets of Rome are full of people eager to have a glimpse of their great hero, Julius Caesar, who is returning to Rome. We find some influential Romans chiding the ?commoners? for their craze for Caesar. Cassius and his friends, highly influential Senators, are wary of the ambition of Caesar to crown himself as the emperor of Rome. Cassius even questions the worth of Caesar who has become a demigod while his colleagues in the Republic of Rome have to content themselves with insignificant existence compared to his glory. He recruits Caesar?s close friend Marcus Brutus along with his already existing accomplices for an assassination bid seeing that Brutus, unhappy at the closeness of Mark Antony to Caesar, has developed distance from Caesar. But Brutus wants only tokill ?spirit? of Caesar because that was dangerous to Rome and it is an act of sacrifice, he believes. While all other conspirators have envy as their motive, Brutus is free from that. He is to give legitimacy to the dastardly act.

The most well known passages of this play are the orations of Brutus and Antony. The former justifies the taking away of Caesar?s life. Romans fully agree with him. But Antony, accepting that he is a blunt man and poor orator,tells that he comes to bury Caesar and not to praise him. But actually he gives the best possible tributes to his leader and moves the entire Romans against Brutus and his followers. The greatest known orator in history, Cicero, was a contemporary and Brutus and Antony surpass him, thanks to Shakespeare and the great spirit of the European Renaissance movement.

Octavius Caesar, Antony and Lepidus, succeed Caesar in governing Rome as triumvirs. Brutus and Cassius meet with a tragic end by committing suicide.

This play is a slice of history and the particular period and civilization dealt with,happens to be a very rich one. That makes it possible for Shakespeare to deal great questions of politics, leadership,relationship among ruling elite of nations and organizations and complex questions of human psychology and even the problem of being wives to great men in those days.


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