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The King Of Albany
(Lorraine Paquet)

The King of Albania

In 1913, Albania became an independent country. The people wanted a Muslim king and was ecstatic when General in Chief Essad Pasha received a telegram saying: "Prince Halim Eddine arrives." All Albanians were excited at the arrival of their new king. Halim Eddine was tall, looked majestic and had an imposing presence. He was transported in carouse and the crowds cheered him. He was served the best food and chose the most beautiful girls in Albania for his harem. At his crowning he took the European name of Otto the First. His quarters, which he shared with his Turkish servant, were modern and luxurious. When the two were in their apartments, they laughed themselves silly. Indeed nobody suspected that the king was, of all things, a professional clown by the name of Otto Witte and his valet and accomplice a sword swallower named Max Schlepsig. The two had a dubious past. One day, in jail, Otto saw a large picture of Prince Halime Eddine in a newspaper and realized that he looked very much like him. On August 15, General Essad Pacha received a telegram from the genuine Halim Eddine, who assured him that he had not, to his knowledge, been crowned as King of Albania. Essad Pasha went to the king's apartments with an escort of armed men. Otto cried at the guards : «Take this traitor away!». The guards had been paid in gold by the king. So they obeyed his orders. Essad Pasha was put to jail. Otto Witte and Max Schlepsig decided to leave Albania before being caught. They took with them a large share of Albania's treasury and spent it all. Both returned to work at the circus in their usual roles, one as a clown and the other as a sword swallower.

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