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O Futuro Chegou ? Instituições E Desenvolvimento No Brasil
(Mailson da Nóbrega)

It has been a recurrent question between researchers to find the reason (or reasons) why some countries reach development and others remain poor. Mailson da Nobrega, former Brazilian minister of economy investigate this issue, to understand the problem in Brazil. His research includes history, writings about the question all of the world, best practices examples and statistics. The conclusion: the country has structural problems. They are historical. But nowadays Brazil has institutions strong enough to guarantee sustainable growth.
Brazilian people are in the meddle of a transition period. There are many things, yet, to be made, for the country can reach development and wealth. The most immediate necessities include reduction of tax burden and electoral and judiciary reforms. Other steps are incentives to businesses investment and expansion; free market defense; best quality education; protection and stimulate to research and culture; besides careful and permanent international negotiations.
Institutions include capacity of innovation, media, religions and beliefs. It's not easy change things like these. The book deals with this. Talks about people's feeling against financial system and about corruption. The author says there is one way to speed the evolution process: democracy.

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