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Jonathan Leavingston Seagull-biography
(Amlan Mondal)

My favorite Fable-Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. It is written by RICHARD BACH.Its fanastic,must read for all age irrespective of gender,background and qualification.People who are ahead of time can find solace from the fact that its just fine to be different than the rest for its they who lead by example. Its story of a SEAGULL who refuses to be yet another seagull.He is outcasted from his community for choosing to be different.His only crime was that he chose to learn new things and explore new possibilities. All way through the book I felt that it is my story.I am moved.I feel I am not alone.I used to feel that I am at fault or manufactured defective by God for simple reason that nobody even had the capacity to comprehend me.FULL MARKS TO RICHARD TO SHOW ME THE WAY.Now I feel that I am at right track.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


