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From My Life - Memories (aus Meinem Leben - Erinnerungen)
(Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger)

Joseph cardinal Ratzinger was a professor for catholic
theology in freesings, Bonn, cathedral, Tübingen and
Regensburg. As a high dignitary of the catholic church it
leaves the bent reader at its internal driving powers
sharings, to which it owes its working in the service of
the church. Its childhood was coined/shaped by brown
leaders and pronounced missing. It describes these
experiences and experiences critically and uneitel. It
does not conceal also personal periods of reduced
circumstances. As humans, who are to have been never
particularly ambitious, it made without a doubt church
career. Whether always the youngest one as lecturer,
professor or a cardinal, he was in these positions. Only
with its regulation to the deputy Christi on ground
connection it was suddenly the oldest one on the chair
Petri, anyhow for 250 years. With the gift projecting
seeds and dissociated at the same time telling describe it
the mental arguments with way companions from its church
life. In each of these debates around a theological new
meditation was and he at the truth and remained oriented at
the thing always and became not personally hurting. With
the line of the Glaubenskongregation in Rome, the brilliant
theologian belonged to the central instance for the
interpretation and the defense of the church teachings
rapidly to the most recognized personalities in the
Vatikan. Under its leadership among other things the new
Weltkatechismus appeared. In this function it explained
within many questions and ranges of the faith and
sittenlehre, which theory of the church is and where the
borders lie. Particularly from Germany it harvested
personal meeting with hostility for some vatikanische
announcement. To the scapegoat, unloaded one auserkoren
all unpleasant one on him. In this time hurrying ahead
designations of the "tank cardinal" and
the "Grossinquisitors" developed for it. If one is
occupied somewhat more near with the highest teacher of the
faith, then one does not find confirmed of the well-known

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