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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott)

The classic book portrays a glimpse of the lively lives of four sisters, namely Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth. Jo is the most imaginative and exuberent of all the sisters. Though the author failed to give justice in describing her physical beauty, she is pictured as an intellectual, and a creative girl. It would have been more appealing and magical to the readers, if Alcott had made this character to fall in love with Teddy. The book like a gentle breeze, brings back the childhood memories to the readers. It is hilarious to read the meeting between Meg's boyfriend and Jo. Jo's action of sacrificing her hair for her father's treatment touches us. It is really tearing our heart to see her sacrifice her only beauty. But she proves her love for her father in this act. If somebody asks me, about my all time favourite character, I would definitely vote for her.

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- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

- Little Women

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