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(Alex Havkin)

The book I want to present is 1984 by George Orwell. The
book describes the life of Winston Smith, a man of about
39 years old who lives in a perfectly totalitarian world. A world in which the individual has no importance or significance, the citizens are not permitted to have an opinion, a thought or any wish, and must serve the party.
The year is 1984, the world is immersed in a war between the three sole powers in the world, Oceania, Eastasia and Euroasia. Winston Smith , lives in London and works there in the Minstry of Truth. The state is ruled by one party, the Social-English party (SocAng).
Anyone who opposes the regime or commits a felony
against the regime is doomed to death or forced labor.
At the head of the party stands "Big Brother", a fictitious
character whose role is to provide the citizens with a superhuman godly figure to believe in and in its power (he rules Oceania since time immemorial). The party rules its
subjects by following closely their lives, which is perfomed with the help of "Telextrines".appliances,which can not be turned off, which are scattered around the country in every house, shop, restaurant and bureau of the party members (who constitute about 15% of the population, and recieve
every action and though of the citizens. Every thought which is contradictory to the rules of the party is a "thought crime" against the regime and means death or forced labor. There is a secret police of the party (the thought police), whose role is to identify and apprehend the dissidents or even those who had secret toughts about the perfection or importance of the regime. Four bodies (ministries) oversee the whole regime: The Ministry of Truth who deals with news, entertainment, education and art. The Ministry of Peace that deals with foreign affairs. The Ministry of Abundance charged with matters of economy. The Ministry of Love charged with maintaining law and order.
Winston is working in the Ministry of Truth, and his role is to rewrite the past according to the needs of the party, and he receives newspapers and different documents from the past, and changes what is written in them so that from now on, this is the real past.. The simple citizens don't pay attention to these things, or don't know that history was indeed changed, because there is only on source to history - the party. In this way an absurd situation is created, according to which the party rules everything - people, their feelings, their thoughts, their future and past, and uses them for it's needs. Even if the party will say something totally absurd, it will actually prevail because the party dertmines it's a fact, and the people believes it, for them it does exist. In this way the party becomes omnipotent. The regime described in the book is impossible and can not exist in our world. The regime is a very small group that controls the minds and thoughts of its citizens,and aspires for a world in which people have no personality and wishes, a world in which the simple mob is like clay in the hands of the potter. Therefore, the party invents a new language (the "NewDiscourse"), reduced as much as possible, which is renewed every number of years, in which all expressions of will, thought and opinion will disappear. The principle leading the party is to rule, and it is different than current regimes, totalitarian and democratic alike, since as far as the party is concerned, the rule is not a means, but an end. And the nation is only a way for fulfilling that purpose. Namely, unlike current totalitarian regimes, the ruling group described in the book does not have a purpose, an ideology or a mural aspiration to achieve, such as the social-economic equality of communism, or keeping the purity of the race and stressing national pride while fulfilling the sanctity of the interracial struggle - part of the Nazi ideology. This regime is not hesitant, it is efficient in an exceptional and unreal way in finding and suppressing oppositions and creatipublic opinion and individual opinion in society. Moreover, the conspicous and advanced means for maintaining the regime (Telxstrin) is
theoretically real but not practically (let us not forget that the book was written in 1949, and describes the future. Therefore, there is use of unreal means for maintaining the regime). It is a stable and strong regime which there is no way to topple and it is impossible to rebel against it because every forbidden thought will bring about punishment.Anyway, let's not forget that the book is critical, and meant to warn humanity against what may happen if totalitarian regimes will continue to exist. Therefore, all the elements of a regime presented in the book are taken from reality, but were very much exaggerated in order to convey the required message. As far as I am concerned, the book describes the reality which is most contrary to my world view. The presentation of the perfect totalitarian world in such a sharp and clear way, contributed a lot
to the consolidation of my opinions on the subject of
society and regime. And I learned to look with greater
appreciation at regimes that encourage the freedom of expression, the basic law of man's dignity and freedom and peace.

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