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Photoshop Artistry: Mastering Digital Image
(Barry Haynes & Wendy Crumpler)

Are you beginner in photoshop? Or maybe you are an advance user? Or you are currently practitioner who wants to sharpen your skill to gain the higher capability? Open the Photoshop Artistry book and you?ll find ?treasure of knowledge?. Even if you are totally blank about any image editing ? found this book and read it accidentally ? you probably credit this book as a perfect exercise tools. That why this book deserve to be placed at the top of references material to build image editing skill.
Photoshop Artistry is a fully-equipped book of photoshop. This rich book give a wide solution for student, advance user and also for photographer and web designer. Work efficiently and effectively are the main emphazise in every method in this book.
Sistematically, this book divided in seven section which consist of essential tools and functionality in section 1; followed by section 2 about color correction and calibration to produce master image. Section 3 is about color correction using selection and layer. Entering section 4, you will find practical exercise for the more advance color correction and restoration. The last three section (5, 6, 7) contain a bundle of ?tips and trick? for the power user to gain more technical abilities such as: image compositing, using blend mode, layer effect and filter, also - for the web designer ? how to compose a proper image for web graphic and multimedia. Another technical knowledge covered in this book are monitor, printer, and scanner calibration.
For you who already categorized as the power user who have desire to become a photoshop instructor, this book is good hand book. Its content structure could be used as the reference about the learning stage method. Beside as the learning source to mastering image editing, this book also purposed as teaching material for instructor.

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