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Arthur Ashe; I Have A Dream


A young man rises above all odds to achieve greatness - this calls for respect and admiration. Born to an African American couple who both had a history of cardiac disease, he grew up to become a world class Tennis Champion. His parents baptized him Arthur Robert Ashe Junior, soon after he made his appearance into this world in 1943 and his brother Johnny was born five years later. But Arthur was not too live long ........ he had to die as a young middle aged ........ just as his mother did ........

From an early age Arthur Ashe loved and lived for the game of tennis. Ronald Charity got him going at the age of seven and there was no looking back thereafter. Many professional coaches recognized his talent and offered to enhance his knowledge and skill of the game. There was Larry Muller, Dr Robert Walter Johnson and J.D. Morgan. It was also the same J.D. Morgan who was instrumental in securing an Athletic Scholarship for him at the University of California, Los Angeles, at the end of 1960. The first in the history of the school ....... him being and African American young man.

Arthur Ashe was going places. With his thin body frame, dark skin, slight afro and big rimmed spectacles, he was catching the attention of the world. As he excelled in tennis, so did the size of his heart in generosity and humanity. Politically the color of his skin made him incorrect but it was his vision and mission to ensure equality in this sport for all races throughout the world.

In 1973 he became the first person of color to ever play in the South African Tennis open. Two years later came the ultimate highlight in his career. Picture this in your mind ???. The Wimbledon Tennis Championship in London during 1975 ???.. On the tennis court, playing against each other, Arthur Robert Ashe and Jimmy Connors ??.. the Royal family is watching, the podium is filled with spectators from the elite class. Arthur, with the tennis racquet in his right hand hits the ball with such enthusiasm and vigor ??? the crowd is tense, the game is the best ever and the final outcome? ?? HE WINS! Arthur Ashe wins the match and becomes the first African American ever to win at Wimbledon! What an achievement!

Just like many people out there, Arthur also yearned for a partner to share his life with. He met Jeanne Marie Moutousommy and married her in 1977. He was now much less into playing the game of tennis and concentrated more on writing and developing the sport.

In 1979 Arthur Ashe suffered a heart attack and had to undergo an operation to unblock the arteries to his heart. During 1983 he had to undergo a second operation and it was during this operation that the unthinkable happened. Arthur Ashe was transfused with a vacolitre of blood that was infected with the Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV). Thereafter he developed the Auto-immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and 10 years following that fateful day he passed away, after contracting pneumonia. He was only 49 years old.

A great man. A great Tennis Champion. A great Patriot. His legacy lives on through his wife Jeanne, his daughter Camera Elizabeth, the foundations he established for the cause, the literature he wrote about the game, the people who were honored to be coached by him and also those that knew him personally.

This is a good book to read and the accompanying photographs assist in telling the true story of a man who ?ran the race of life? admirably.

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