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Eleven Minutes
(Paulo Coelho)

This history is like a fairy tale about a prostitute. It
is hard to believe in in, but that is true.
The actin takes place mostly in Switzerland ? the land of
watches, banks and chocolate. This country is a symbol of
contemparary European civilization. But Paulo Coelho showed
me the worst side of living there. Unfortunately, beautiful
Brazilian was suddenly plunged into this cruel world full of
suffering and degradation. She becomes a prostitute. Some
people say, that THESE women are worthy of condemnation.
But Maria does not ?match? there. She works as a prostitute
to save money to realize her dreams. Although, which
prostitute does not work for money? Moreover ? wherher they
have any dreams? Even though Maria ?does what she does? ,
she is in need of real love. Everyone wants to be loved by
someone. Brazilian writes memoris about her emotions.
Indifference towards men, longing for her family and a
desire for this one man. Out of the blue, Maria falls in
love. But she does not want to hold him in a ?prison of
love?. But he understands her minds, becouse he is a
sensitive artist.
There is only love in the end.
That was hard for me to talk about that subject, but after
reading ?Eleven Minutes? I am bolder ? or maybe I should say
? riper? Author breakes the silence about these women. Women
who have dreams, too.

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