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Visit Of The Madam
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"Visit of The Old Madam", is a theater play in 3 acts, by the author and the playwright, Friedrich Durrenmatt. this play is a tragicomedy with a bit of grotesque. in a small town, named Gillen, nothing happens. even the train passing over it. everything is about to change when the, "Old Madam"- Klerr zachansyan appears. in her youth, she was pregnant from Iell, and dwelled at Gillen.
There was a trial. the Judge inclined to Iell version, witnesses lied for him and eventually, he won the trial. Klerr had to leave the town, with nothing but shame, and a baby.

Now she came back, to revenge Eill, and the whole village. her deal is simple: Gillen for billion gold coins. residents (even one) have to kill Eill for the money. the warhead opposer her deal. but at the secound act everybody buying in credits. the standard of living goes up but their debts up as well. Eill scared to die but the residents trying to relaxe him.

The play is great. written with humoristic dialogs. think you know how its going to end? read the fully play and find that out.

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