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The E-code
(Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok)

The E-CODE is a book by Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok who managed through their network of contacts to get other Internet authorities to contribute their knowledge to the book.

Naturally, as the book has such a variety of authors in it, it is full of ideas. It is aimed at demonstrating different ways of how one can potentially make money on the Internet. It does, however, not deliver a simple step-by-step guide on how to make money online. One of the drawbacks of having so many authors in the book is that they tend to blow their own horn or mostly even use the book to advertise their own products or services. Worse even, although the book is still new, some of the links provided are already out of date.

In its favour, for beginners who intend to learn how to make money online the book certainly provides a wider view and equips one with information which would otherwise probably take much longer to find. Some of the authors in the book make it sound as if its straight forward to implement some of their suggestions which may be misleading. Yet, the book certainly provides enough information to get started and expand on your own ideas. The overall message is that one will have to put in the work to see any profits.

The content of the book evolves around marketing strategies on the Web, affiliate marketing, writing an e-book, attracting more visitors to your Website, selling strategies and reseller rights.

Overall, the book is certainly going to provide some useful insight and if nothing else it will probably tell you something you did not know or provide you with motivation to get started to join the e-entrepreneur community.

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