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The Mind

The mind of the man is much more powerful of whom if it can imagine. A thought of the man to create advanced machines, devices and until robots was enough. The human being mind is capable to restore an organ with a divine perfection. To want is to be able. If you want, you can. However, he has a restriction. If the fondness is egoistic, then, ` to be able ' it becomes null. A little of ambition does not make badly to nobody, since that it does not harm third, to the times, as the situation, it becomes until beneficial. An order to a God or a saint, if made believing that it goes to happen, it is well probable that it happens. I am not saying that God or the saint is the same thing, or has the same to be able. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, Almighty, etc. But its order can in such a way have the same depth for one as for another one. Its will to get something or its belief that goes to obtain is so strong that, independent of the way that you use, its order will be taken care of. When a person plays one witchery in another person, this is so impressed that accepted the plague as true and finishes suffering the consequences. For the mind, everything that you to believe or to accept is true. And it (the mind) makes with that it happens of the skill that you thought conscientiously. Therefore, care with the thoughts. They are powerful. They can construct a world or destroy it. Always makes a cleanness in the mind sweeping the garbage, that for happiness, it insists on dominating it. How? Always that to think about some useless thing, it changes the thought. It only thinks about useful things and of moral value. If you it is of the type that only thinks negative, changes your thoughts now. You it will see that your life will go to improve more, much more

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