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Feel Good Tips!!

Life tends to overwhelm us over and over again. We seem to
focus on the more negative things life throws our way. This
can be very wearing on our relationships, so what we need to
do is be aware of this fact, first and foremost. Then we
have to sit and really think about a few things that we can
do to battle against that happening.

We should start with the nicest feel good thing, and that
is touch. For couples, touch each other, even if it is just
as you pass by. Cuddling is a good way of touching. Well you
all know I am all for HUGGING!!! Run your hand down your
partners back. That's a very sweet touch. Through their hair
is a definite feel good touch. Intimacy is the sweetest way
to share your relationship with your partner. It needs no
ears, it needs no eyes. It just needs touch. So touch
someone and feel good!

Respecting one another and giving each other space, when
you feel it is much needed, is truly a show of love. Being
there to just listen.when they are ready to talk after they
have had a bad day, is totally a good thing too.

We all love receiving gifts. I actually love giving them
more. I love pleasing and watching my partners response.
Surprises are not just for children. They show love in a
quiet way. When you surprise someone with a tiny gift, even
just a card, it kind of whispers to that person how much you
love them. Those little surprises also keep the romance in
your life, and we all know how that can fade away with our
everyday craziness. Just to know that your loved one was
actually thinking of you for no reason and took time to
surprise you, is a very sweet and loving thing. Show me the

Compliments are always nice to get or to give. I personally
have a problem receiving those. It's just how I am. Giving
your sweetie a compliment in front of others is even
sweeter. It sends a message of truly appreciating them and
shows that you have pride your relationship.

Funny how bad habits can lean the other way. We can easily
fall into the trap of attacking them in front of others and
hurting their feelings. DO NOT DO THAT! If you happen to
fall into a disagreement, have some class and do it with
tenderness and love and always follow it up with a
compliment, ASAP.

This is one we all are guilty of and that is judging their
ideas, or turning them down when they are just starting to
tell you about them. When you are at this point, stop for a
minute and think about what they are trying to share. Then
if you still are against it, tell them softly and with a
smile. We all think differently and we do not all share the
same opinions and that's cool. It is how we send that
message across that determines the outcome of that
conversation. Its all about self-esteem. Soft and loving
ways of communication help to raise ones esteem. It also
usually leads to a very nice touch or HUG! (prrz)

Ignoring the other person or treating them like they are
not there is a very, very hurtful thing to do. It is down
right mean. Even if you are angry at them, try to remember,
this is the one you love, and the one that loves you. There
is a saying; "You only hurt the ones you love". Well it's
time to change that saying. "Love the one you love"!

Yes, its OK to get angry and state your anger to your
significant other if they caused you some pain. We all have
to do that at times, but just remember that your mate also
feels bad for making you angry. Think about not having that
person ever again and maybe that will help you to not let
the meanness creep in.

Here is a hard one for me. Shut your mouth and open your
ears.(eek) Just to know you are being heard is such a good
feeling. But to also know you are being understood is
totally awesome. These are very important things to a good
communication which leads to, you know what? Mhm..HUGGZZ

Ever hear of the small voice as opposed to the big voice?
Well use your small voice as much as you can. Over half of
our cnication is based on sound levels or tones. When we
keep our sound levels soft, we keep our partners ears open
and this allows them to hear us. This keeps our messages
flowing and communication open. Many tense discussions are
solved this way.

"I love you", are the three most important words a person
understands. They are music to our ears and we all love good
music. So just say it, now and every day.

What do we crave when we are down and out? What do we
yearn for when we feel trapped in a pit of loneliness?
Support, love, patience, understanding and last but not

So all my sweet readers I leave you a quote that I find
fitting for my thoughts that I have shared with you today. A
very sweet friend from Canada sent this to me.

Sasha girl..Thank you! HUGGZZZ

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