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Blue Blood
(Najoua Norredine)

Blue Blood. An expansion of surreal situations gaining in
intensity as Chris Moreau, Parisian young person fixed in
mathematics which incarne the hero of this novel, discovers
the multiple facets of the personality of his/her friends,
of which some are shown under their true day only through
sour confrontations, of painful concessions and destroyed
friendships, the whole on bottom of heavy metal. Chris is
a musical note. Its group, Blue Blood, are all its life.
But nobody includes/understands it. Not even his/her
parents who see in his passion only one obstacle with his
studies. Confronted so that it believes being a universal
plot, Chris, the lacerated heart, decides to finish some.
More than one fantastic novel, Blue Blood as plunges us in
the daily newspaper of a déluré group of teenagers
attaching as funny. Passing from comic to the tragedy with
a magic ease, the young person écrivaine Chantal Beaumont
shows a corrosive humour, makes us howl with desperate
Chris; in short moves us by the first to the last line of
this fabulous history. Appointment on the site of the
Editions the Manuscript (www.manuscrit.com) to plunge in
the colourful intrigues of this enthralling e-book which
marvelously combines imagination and reality always of
topicality of a gap marked more and more between the
generations. Let us note that the deafening music and
forces hard rock is in fact only one pretext to depict it
Malayan existential with which the teenagers of the whole
world are confronted.

Resumos Relacionados

- Blue Bloods

- Blood Crazy

- Who Moved My Cheese?- Teenage Version

- Blood Type

- L'ombre Des Anges(shade Of The Angels )

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