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Banane Flambée(banana Flambe )
(Philippe Govart)

In this Thursday evening, the room on the last floor
of "Hardware" was crammed. Under the beams of the
restaurant of Brussels, the tables were so tight that it
was almost necessary to howl to be made hear of sound
opposite. It is besides what Caroline, a lawyer
quadragénaire with the peroxidized wick and excessive
bronzing did. It told its problems of bar and other
preoccupations with a legal order in Angel Calderon, sitted
vis-a-vis it. It listened to it attentively, at least
believed it it. In fact, it did not have anything of it to
square its stories of pleadings. Since always, it was
equipped with this rather practical capacity to let imagine
with its interlocutor whom it drank his words whereas he
meditated on his own centers of interests. It raised an
eyebrow from time to time, smiled when it smiled, released
a "hum hum", a "ah to him good? ", even a small "OK" when
that took it. In fact, it was regaled with its mussels
marine while reconsidering at the kamasoutresque afternoon
which they had spent. Chaudasse had not lost anything of
its libido, quite to the contrary. In five years, that had
even worsened. Of entry of play, it had overlapped it
while mugissant like a nut, obliging it to bite the nipples
to him, which was not easy matter to achieve within sight
of many the piercings which clicked at the end of its
centres. It should be said that its body had become a work
of art; in addition to its rings of tits, its navel was
also decorated of a pretty jewel in the sun shape, just
like its magic button which was equipped on its
circumferences with a series with invaluable stones
encrusted in the flesh. And it was without counting its
new tattooings; in particular the butterfly which had
replaced its apron of blacksmith (or his subway ticket,
according to the season) and the ethniques convolutions
engraved in the area of its lumbar, indicating the
direction clearly to be taken to cross the door of Sunday.
It had packed to him the vertebrae with great blows of
paring-iron, tearing off irrational cries to him; it was
to have problems of vicinity, it is not possible
differently. After a voluptuous oral interlude which had
started multiple shivers to him, it had finished it out of
greyhound bitch (its speciality; as he liked to say
it: "I have two specialities, the bouillabaisse and the
greyhound bitch") and had gratifiée it of a good old woman
banana flambe to close frolicking. Lost in its thoughts
with character pornographic, it realized in spite of very
that it had just picked the last one moulds at the bottom
of the cast iron casserole. And that Caroline bavassait to
finish moreover it on considerations careerists which did
not deserve a second of interest; moreover, it had the
gift to make insipid its remarks while evoking to turn of
arm of the people about which it had never intended to
speak "Wilfried this", "Julia that", "Thing this", etc It
was exasperating. But he did not want especially to stop
it and thus profit from this moment of gastronomical
respite, because it was absolutely certain that it would
like to give cover after the meal. Conclusion, it was held
with square. It was satisfied to order a cream burned to
prolong few invaluable minutes its period of recovery.
Because beyond be delirious sexual of the other nutcase, it
was to be in form for the following day. A hard day
awaited it and it did not wish to approach it while being
exhausted by an overdose of kisses. There are about
fifteen days, Alexandre had requested it. It had proposed
a deal to him which does not refuse: to embark with him on
board Jinja, to guarantee its safety during the voyage to
Dakar and, n the other hand, to apprehend Mugabi in Senegal
and to bring back it to Europe so that it is judged. Ca
would make a very pretty cranium with its prize list. With
a little chance,that would be worth an advance to him and
especially it could finally leave its Iberian hole for a
large British city, with full of female game pursueing!
But before that, it was going to be concerned with small
African iron ores.

Resumos Relacionados

- Banane Flambée

- Trave Lat The End Of Night

- Old Woman And Cellphone Covers

- Internet

- The Black Thoughts ?leaves 2? (les Idées Noires "part 2")

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