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Les Mis?rables
(Victor Hugo)

I've seen the film a hundred times, i know all the words to the musical version, i've even been to the West End to it on stage but nothing compares to the book Les Miserables. Victor Hugo writes like nobody else, his characters come to life in the imagination, the scenes he describes are so detailed you feel you could actually be there yourself.
Set during the French Revolution, Les Miserables tells the story of Jean Valjean, a convict who after 19 years of slave labour is released back into society only to be pursued relentlessly by his enemy Javert. It tells how he tries to redeem himself by raising the child of a women who he inadvertently caused the death of. It tells of past grudges, enemies who never forget and the struggles to lead an anonamous life but most of all it tells the story of the French Revolution; life behind the barricades with death and unhappiness all around. But from this sprouts one of the most romantic and beautiful love stories ever to be told, that of Marius and Cosette.
This story has it all, you laugh and you cry, you feel for the characters and yet at some points you just want to shake them by the shoulders and tell them to open their eyes. It has a sad ending and a happy one which you dont see to often in a book. I have read many many books in my life but nothing compares to the fulfilment i get from reading Les Miserables (all 1232 pages of it!)

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