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Midsummer Night's Dream
(William Shakespeare)

The action of the drama takes place in Athens under the reign of Theseus and Hyppolita and in Arden Forest. Lysander wants to marry Hermia but her father objects and wants her to marry Demetrius. There is also another maid - Helena. She is both a friend of Hermia and a rival for the affections of Demetrius, whom Hermia spurns but Helena loves. Hermia tries to reveal to Helena that she and Lysander plan to run away into the woods, leaving Demetrius free for Helena to pursue. Helena's attempt is to gain Demetius's favour by telling him about Hermia's plan and then she follows him into the woods. Thus, Lysander and Hermia are in love; Demetrius loves Hermia and rejects Helena; Helena nonetheless loves Demetrius and is jaleous of her childhood firend, Hermia. As a result the two couples are in Arden Forest. In the forest there is the king of the forest - Oberon who has an argument with Tytania (The Fairy Queen) and he wants to take a revenge. Meanwhile a group of Athenians craftsmen are preparing performance for Theseus and Hypolita marriage. When Oberon knows that these two couples are in the forest he wants to hlep them, unfortunately, Puck (Oberon's servant) mistakes Lysander for Demetrius. Eventually, when Oberon gets to know about the mistake everything comes to the right place. Comic situations in the play are based on misunderstanding. The comedy is reflective. It makes the reader think over the nature of love and frienship.

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