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Pedro Páramo By Juan Rulfo.
(Jefferson Plaza)

Juan Preciado promises to his dying mother that he will go to Comala to demand his father, Pedro Páramo, ?what is his". Her mother has given him an idyllic vision of the Mexican town that encourages Juan Preciado to adventurer in the search of an indomite past. In his way, he finds Abundio, a crucial character that tells him that he is also Pedro Páramo?s son and that he has died, a fact that disconcerts the protagonist. But the most difficult situation for Preciado is to arrive at a desolated town, abandoned, similar to hell and with an atsmosphere full of death as if it were hell. Preciado finds many characters that are souls in grief, but he initially doesn?t understand this situation. The town is full of murmurs and ecoes, dead people are heard and like a stigma it appears the figure of a terrified horse. When Juan Preciado notices what is happening, he dies desperate. In this precise moment, the reader notices that Preciado is talking to another soul in grief in his tomb, Dorothea, Páramo?s pimp.
This novel has a peculiar mix of stories that are all related to the ?caudillo? Pedro Páramo. This stories are in complete chronological disorder that makes the book much interesting, in a few pages we undertake a trip over Pedro Páramo?s life, the murder of is father when he was in a wedding; his childhood and the special relationship with his grandmother, The mysterious death of Miguel Páramo, therefore, we could say that Páramo is surrounded by death. To retaliate his father?s murder, he decided to kill all the assistants to be assured that murderer would pay, by doing so; he expands integrally his dominion over a degradated and almost unexistent region. In spite of being so powerful, he could achieve his main goal: Susana?s love, he practically obliges her to marry him, she goes mad and she accomplishes the figure of a sweet tortures that subvert Paramo?s world. After she dies, the town makes a huge celebration and an irracional Páramo decided to take revenge promising to destroy the town by ceasing all his economics activities. This brutal behaviors provokes that more hatred and destruction. Finally, Abundio, one of the rejected sons, kills his father after denies his help to bury his death wife. Abundio closes a cycle that begins with Preciado?s search for a past that shouldn?t be touched.
This novel belongs to magical realism, a Latin-American tendency that presents paranormals facts like somewhat routine and which tends to abandon therefore the rational criteria. Besides magical realism, this novel encompasses the representation of that little towns that were swept by urbanism and an ulterior destruction of regional tradition. Pedro Páramo is also reconciliation with the real Mexican soul portrayed throughout novel by many anonimous characters that reveal a profound connection with their Mexico.

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- Pedro Páramo

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