Sophie's World
(Jostein Gaarder)
Sophie's World is possibly one of the most interesting and intriguing books i have ever read. It is centered on a young girl who undertakes a strange course in philosophy that appears section by section in her mailbox! She doesn't know who is writing and sending the course but it takes you into the world of philosophy from a childs eye (much easier to understand!). It reminds me of the 'Dummies' series of books as it takes you through the history of philosophy in such a way that you understand the arguements the true philosopers were trying to make. I found i could actually hold a conversation about some philosophical points of view after reading the book! I have read Sophie's World and other books by the same author many times as they are truely books that you can go back to and read as if you haven't read them before. You find you understand more with each re-read, picking out the details you previously missed so that philosophy on the whole becomes more clear. I love Sophie's World both as a story with a twist at the end and as a work of philosophy, a must read for anyone who has an interest in the great philosophers but doesn't really have a clue what their works are about!
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