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A Christmas Carol
(Charles Dickens)

It must be one of the greatest stories ever told. Dickens relates real life at at time when hardship and poverty linked to the class system did in many instances make the difference between life and death.
Scrooge has all the money any reasonable person would ever need to live on but is he happy ? Does he know how to enjoy himself ? At the end of the day what does he really have ? He lives all alone. He is old and does not have any friends .
As the story unfolds we hear how his personality, his demeanour etc is shaped by his own experiences, the lessons he learns are ones of greed, selfishness. Look what the world , life has done on me and as such I will make them all pay seems to be his goal on life.
The hero of the piece a reluctant hero at that is Bob Cratchet . He works for Scrooge and is the brunt of much of his bad demeanour . Bob works tirelessly and everything is for his family and in particular Tiny Tim.

Scrooge is given a chance to change his ways via ghosts of Xmas past ,present and future . He is a stubborn old man set in his ways and does not want to change ,initially he is desmissive but gradually sees the errors of his ways and changes. He is determined to change to make a difference in a way that really matters by sharing with those who are less fortunate than himself. He shows he is a man of his word and at the end we hear that he really has made a difference.

The story may be Victorian but the message is timeless. There are always others worse off than you. In this time of greed and selfishness be grateful for what you have. The real things in life are free yet priceless, namely, love, and family.

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