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The Mammoth Hunters
(Jean M. Auel)

In The Mammoth Hunters, Ayla meets and interacts with a group of people of her kind. She introduces a few more new "discoveries" and domesticates another wild animal. Her "pets" and "discoveries" impress the Mammoth Hunters, and she is warmly accepted into their group. A love triangle develops between Ayla, Jondalar and one of the Mammoth Hunters. This part of the story is a bit frustrating since it is a misunderstanding that drags on and on until the very end. However, I liked this book, even better than the first two books. The characters are basically good, kind people, however there is strong prejudice against the "clan" people that must be overcome. This seems to be a strong message throughout the series.The one thing I began to wonder shortly before I threw this book into the fireplace is whether Jean Auel has ever had sex. The Mammoth Hunters is drenched with absurd, bodice-ripper style, graphic sex scenes - of the type written by someone who has never done it, but has only read about it in bad bodice-ripper romances. There is so much description of sex, complete with hysterically funny phrases like "throbbing manhood", "petal-like folds" and "pink place of pleasure" that one cannot help but wonder if the author is living vicariously through the characters and acting out her fantasies of sensitive cavemen who endlessly seek to pleasure superwoman Ayla. Give it a miss. I understand there are two more books in this series, but I certainly will avoid them. Series writing is a risky business, because it's difficult to avoid repetition and getting far too invested in favorite characters - and Ms Auel has fallen prey to both these failings. Between the endless yapping over the same material and the superhuman abilities of Ayla, to say nothing of the turgid and ridiculous sex scenes, this book is good for kindling and nothing else. I wish Amazon provided a negative rating, because this crummy book doesn't deserve the single star I'm giving it.

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- The Mammoth Hunters

- The Mammoth Hunters

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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