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Eleven Minutes
(????? ??????)

Paulo Coelho is the most popular writer in the world at the moment. The newest work by this Brazilian author continues the topic of women which was begun in the novels ?By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept?, ?Veronika Decides to Die?, and ?The Devil and Miss Prym?. But as the author himself alleges, ?Eleven minutes? is a book that expounds upon a subject which can embarrass, shock and injure. It is the most open, most naturalistic ? and the most scandalous of Paulo Coelho?s novels. ?I try to comprehend love, and it hurts me to think about people whom I gave my heart to. And at the same time it?s now evident that people who troubled my heart left my body indifferently; those who managed to arouse unrest in my body left my heart indifferent?? with this diary entry the 17 year-old Maria, the heroine of Paulo Coelho?s latest novel ?Eleven minutes?, narrates the goal of the search to which this touching and stirring book. Maria has been disappointed by love and sex, and the image of two lovers joined in body and soul in perfect harmony, becomes her unachievable utopia.

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