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Robinson Kruzo
(Daniel Defoe)

Robinson Kruzoe ® Daniel Defoe Robinson Kruzoe was born in 1632 and he is the main hero of Danel Defoe's book. Till 1654 he had lived in english city Hull. Robinson always has been a dreamy young man. He dreamed about overseas travelsa and being a sailor. However his father didn't agree his son was traveling, becouse he had already lose two sons in the sea, so he doesn't want Robinson to die in the same way. One day, youth's colleague offered him a job on his father's ship as a deck hand. Kruzoe agreed against parents's will. It was his first travel.It has start from large storm, at least they get into London.In the capital Robinson meet English captain,who offered him a journey to Guinea to deal with Negros. After succesful return from the Africa captain fell ill and died. Robinson gave a part of his property to widow after captain and he set out back to the foreign countries.This time hapinnes wasn't by his side.Kruzoe hit to moorish captivity.He spend two years as a slave,in the end he run away. During escape,he get into the Portuguese ship,which took him to Brazil. There Robinson bought a land and set up a plantation.Unfortunately in Brazil it felt a luck of hands to work so Robinson has been pleast to go back to Guinea after slaves. He agreed.Boy march out a journey in 1664, disaster had lie in wait for him again. Large storm destroyed his ship,he stayed alive but the rest of his crew died He has been threw on uninhabited island.First dayas on island was hard,becouse he havn't got any home or food.He had to sleep on the tree and stay without no food. Scarcerly after few days he found an empty cave.He consider the cave as a great stay.He found also bananas which were a georgus delicacy.Around was only sea and no steps after sailing-ship.Then Robinson start to believe in human strength,however he couldn't light a fire.During visiting the nearest region he found diverse edible fruits as coconuts,pineapple, and tortoise's eggs. He made a calendar to not lose feeling the time.He made bow, arrows and fishing-net. After a week he could hunt an animal like harea and fish swimming near the coast. Later he's planning to go on visiting the island.He found and kill goats, but he still coudn't make a fire to oven what he found.One night he had two strange dreams,after that he converts and start to believe more in God. By the accident he stood up on flint which pierced his foot -now he could kindle the fire. In next,longer trip he found a perfect place for summer house. The first anniversary comming on this land past. Robinson was thinking about bygone year.One night he heard cannon's rumble and saw a broken ship.Inside was no lively spirit except the dog, who Kruzoe called Amino(Friend),he found also:hams, coffee, sugar, flour, dried fruit, rice, plum jams, saws, hammers, nails, chisel, pincerss and different foods and tools. Since that day Robinson had better live.During one trip he came accross on human skeletons.He knew they were slaves of cannibal's and he decide to revenge on them.Soon canniblas land on the island again,they had prisoners for dinner with themselves,but one of prisoners escaped and Robinson saved him and called Pi?taszek. He teached him basic knowlegde of Christianity religion and English language. After few months Indians get back, but this time with white man as a victim. Robinson couldn't let them eat a man so helped him. It showed that man was a spaniard and his name was Don Juan. In one boat,which wild men left Pi?taszek found his father, he made happy extremely. Spaniard told his story. After a year Pi?taszek noticed a lifeboat, it appeared that rebels wanted to leave or kill their captain on this island. Robinson, Spaniard and Pi?taszek helped him and killed main rebels. The rest gave freedom in condition that they will be listen to Robinson. So enlarge amount of inhabitiants build a boat. By this boat Robinson swimmed to the widow after English captain to recover his left after years morn to Hull. It appears that his parents died. One day his acquaintance grower told him about his large fortune which he left in Brazil. He took it and go back to island with wolunteer who wanted stay there. New city on islan was called Robinsontown. Robinson and Pi?taszek had go back to England again, but during trip the trip they have been attacked by Indians. Robinson order Pi?taszek to tell them that on the boat is a goast and will kill them if they wan't stand down. After speach Indains shoot him. Furious Robinson ordered his crew to kill all the Indians. After few years when French ship has been passing by accident near the island, noticed English flag, so they distroyed the city and took inhabitiants to captivity. Meantime, Robinson, lieved in his castle in England, where helped to supplement education young people.

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