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Romeu And Julieta
(William Shakespeare)

Romeu and Julieta, a history of love marked for a grat tragedy that never will be forgotten. Two families and a couple of young prohibids to love because of rivalry between Montangues x Capulet. Romeu them was gotten passionate for Rosaline a young friend of Julieta, however Julieta in a party of the family knew, whose if it got passionate for the same one; the first one was love vista. Romeu however wise person who never could live a deep love with Julieta, because of rivalry of its families. Un certain day of varanda of its Julieta house confessed for the stars that had a forbidden love, however not wise person it that Romeu was under looking at for it, when if declare. They decided marry hidden, with the aid of a friend of Romeu Frei Lawrence however, Romeu during one fights, killed the Julieta's uncle, Tybalt and was banishes from the city, where it was far of its loved womam who suffered with its absence. Your father compelled it to be married with Paris, Julieta was to ask for Frei Lawrence that married it, then the same said for it that it was married the same and in the hour of the marriage, it would take a portion that would make to sleep as if it was died. It made what the friend recommended, however Romeu was knowing of the notice of incorrect form. Sad with the notice of the death of loved its, Romeu bougth a poison glass, therefore already didn't have more felt to live far of Julieta. It was lain down together to the body of its loved wife and took the poison, whem Julieta woke up the Romeu's friend talk about the happened one for it, where the same one caught a punhal and if it killed. This history happened in Italy, for return of 1500. With the tragedy the rivalry of the two families had been ceased, for force of the love of two young ones called Romeu and Julieta.

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