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Poetry Review
(London Poetry Society)

At last Poetry Review has arrived through the mail box! This issue Volume 96:1 Spring 2006
has much to offer the lover of poetry and poems. My favourite poet the Pullitzer Winner -
Paul Muldoon in this edition has two poems as follows ...

Two Lyrics: See If I Care and
Meat and Drink

See If I care ... I caught this big ticket item: At the spotted pig ... is the opening
line of No: 1 of these Lyrics - the poem is jaunty and full of references to what we all love to quote as well as ...read .../I don't give a damn/ I can just see you start to scratch your head wondering where you heard or read that before ... and then the classic cocktail party line ...


I used to say to everyone ... why don't you /look it up yourself/ but /yes/ I guess so!

So its nice at this point in the poetic race to move onto Moniza Alvi ... as follows:

/I Hold My Breath In This Sad Country With Its Sad Past/... for fear of saying the wrong thing ... still its better than being the /wronged woman/ or worse still the /wrong man/

Mark Weiss .../Translated/ In exile do you hear ... horrible stories from the homeland ... the answer to that is YES probably true!

Amarjit Chandan ...Wear Me ... I want to rub against every part of your body (sounds like your favourite doggy poem ... perhaps/ no, not so ... reference is to ...a necklace!

Recently in London I had a very handsome Taxi driver who was wearing a gold necklace around his neck! I stopped for a moment in my tracks and enquired further! This gold necklace had particular significance for him - he is Persian you see! I spotted it straight away! I was so pleased with myself.

Great stuff / BREAD AND ROSES... future planning .... keep on reading ... POETRY REVIEW!

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