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The Edgar Malédiction
(Marc Dugain)

A mysterious person was Edgar Hoover. And it was necessary to be mysterious and know to handle the secret and the intrigue to succeed in occupy the place that it had manner so masterly: director of the FBI squarely cold war and especially on a length that give him a knowledge of the big decision-makers of the States Unite (and presidents notably). This book does not reveal no secret or sensation. One there talks about Mr. Monroe, of J'S. F. Kennedy without that one learns a lot on these two monsters of the movie and of the political American one. It is a matter only of the description of a man remained more or less in the shadow: a manipulative that, in silence pulls the strings. It listens, records, oversees,spy, awaits and this as much of details accumulated that next use gravel in the wheel, of blackmail elements or of piece mistress to a victory of the puritanism. The look of the author is distanced. The narration proposed us since the mouth of his more faithful one attending: Clyde Tolson. It was apparently equally his companion but it not some is done mention in the novel. To the opposite, this rather is thought them homophobes of Hoover that there are put forward. A complex being that refuses his condition, this that is the appanage of the celebrities of this world.

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