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(The Bible)

The word genesis means "origin" or "beginning," in Greek, and that is what the book of Genesis describes -- the beginning of the world, mankind, sin, and the Hebrew people. It is the first book of the Bible, and is believed to have been written by Moses, Christians believe under the divine inspiration of God.

Starting with the creation of the world, told to take place over a period of six days, followed by a seventh day of rest, we see God's plan for man take shape. We are introduced to Adam, the first man, created by God from dust and God's own breath of life; and Eve, the first woman, whom God created out of one of Adam's ribs. Their story unfolds in the Garden of Eden, where they are told they may eat of any tree in the garden, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve, tempted by a serpent, eats the fruit of the prohibited tree, and gives it to Adam, who also eats. Their choice to eat of the fruit of the tree has repercussions for all their descendants. They are kicked out of the Garden for their disobedience, curses are pronounced upon them, and also on the serpent who tempted them to eat. But there is a promise of a future deliverer, the seed of the woman, who Christians believe is Jesus Christ.

Genesis covers a span of several thousand years, and tells of many epic events in the history of mankind. We learn of Noah, who was told by God to build an ark to save his family and many animals from a flood God would send to cleanse the earth of evil. Noah obeys God, and he, his wife, his sons and their wives are the only humans to survive the vast flood.

We are told of Abraham, father of many nations, through whom came the Hebrew people. God told Abraham to leave his home in Haran and go where God would lead him. Abraham did as he was instructed, and God promised to make his name great, and give him many descendants, though he was already old and had no children. God gave him a son, Isaac, and later tested Abraham by telling him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering to God. As Abraham raised the knife to kill his son, God told him not to, and provided a ram for the offering.

Much of the remainder of the book of Genesis tells the story of Abraham's descendants, including Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Joseph, the great-grandson of Abraham, was sold into slavery by his brothers, but was given by God the ability to interpret dreams. When Joseph was the only one able to tell Pharoah what his dream meant, he earned Pharoah's trust and was made second in command in all of Egypt. The concluding chapters of Genesis tell of Joseph forgiving his brothers for their wrongdoing, and bringing his family to Egypt because of a famine.

The book of Genesis lays the foundation for the rest of the Bible, which follows the lives of the Hebrew people through thousands of years. Jesus himself is a descendant of Abraham, and according to the Christian religion, he is alluded to, though not mentioned by name, in Genesis.

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