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A Clockwork Orange
(Anthony Burgess)

A Clockwork Orange - being the adventures of a man whose key interests
are rape, ultraviolence and Beethoven. This dark and futuristic
fable centres around 15-year-old Alex, an amoral thug who gets his
kicks out of beating and raping people with his gang of 'droogs', after
first getting drugged up. After a while of being witness to
Alex's relentless brutality, the reader wonder's where the story is
going... that is until Alex crosses the line between a common thug and
murderer when he accidentally kills a woman whose house he planned to
rob. So, left for dead, he is then left at the mercy of the State
and this is where things take a turn for the worst.
It is at this point in the story that Alex is put through an
experimental rehabilitation process dubbed 'The Ludovico Technique'
which deprives convicts of their ability to be violent and so Alex
'your humble narrator' is released back into society a cured man, or is
The question Burgess puts to us, the readers, is this: who is at fault
here in this story, Alex the brutal rapist or the State who deprives
him of his liberty? Anthony does an excellent job of letting us
find out.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Clockwork Orange

- L?orange Mécanique

- Eagle Strike

- Cross (ann Patterson)

- The City Of The Wild God

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