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How To Get Rich
(Jacques Dutertre)

How to get rich? What here a beautiful title! The book does nevertheless better than to ask the question: it tries of there to reply while doing sort it, under a simple and living form, possibilities that offer themselves to each of us to attempt to realize a dream as old as the world: to become rich! All the possibilities are examined, analyzed and evaluated severe and objectively, without concessions. Concrete examples to the support, the author brings the reader to eliminate the false tracks and the mirrors to the larks. It helps it to understand how, without departure capital and without basically to modify his trains life (a small little nonetheless!) it is possible of actually to get rich. Of multiples rules and simple counsels are given in this serious work that has the merit of to be easy to read and within reach of all. The book unfortunately is exhausted and one cannot find it that of occasion; it is frequently available on sites Internet such as alapage, priceminister or 2Xmoinscher

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