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Pan Tadeusz

The noble world in ?Pan Tadeusz? Adama Mickiewicza

Pan Tadeusz? had to be the consolation for Mickiewicz and all of emigrants. Author?s intentions was to separating himself from the commonplaceness.This composition was some kind of bridge which could connect the emigrants with their nation. The poet has restored in it a noble Poland, he turned back the time. Defects of gentry are introduct with a humor sense, and all of heros arouse a sympathy. Idealization is encircle also the picture of Soplicowo, including the nature. It is conncting with the country of childlish summers, which always will stay ? holy and clear like first love?. ?Pan Tadeusz? performances only one social type ? the gentry. The representative of the most rich gentry is Stolnik. Basing on the example of the Horeszko tribe, Mickiewicz presents a process of getting poor, which is happening in mean time. Horeszko?s fortune has been seized. Because he took part in barsk?s confederation, after loosing fortune, tribe has lost his old, great meaning. Comparatively rich is also Podkomorzy, who is gladden of regard among the gentry. To middling rich belong Soplicowie and S?dzia. The typical resident ? impoverished member of gentry ? is Wojski, the great hunter, organizer of hunting, the master of knife?s throwing and in playing on horn. Janitor Protazy and Gerwazy are belong to impoverished gentry, employed in manors. They are as servant, however they can show their gentry?s origin. Individual . For Soplicowo characteristic is life in harmony, with the rhythm nature, feeling like man,a nd co-operating with him. The second introducing the order system of rules is the etiqette, gathering of principles regulating the human actions and ways of behaviours with tradition peaceably. Thanks this every meal, walk, picking mushrom becomes with sanctifying commonplaceness ritual and being useful her deep sense, and every his participant has their place and their part. The tradition was support of Polish character in Soplicowie. The master of ceremony were:S?dzia and Wojski. S?dzia was good farmer, he took care about warnings in its house as well as about national traditions noble etiquette. His clock played mazurek D?browskiego, hung paintings on walls presented national heros for instant Ko?ciuszki. S?dzia admonished in time of feast the youth. Wojski replaced him when this had left. He took care about tradition of huntings, he remembered former events often. Of attachment of gentry to the ground, the great predilaction resulted to huntings the forests and adventure. They lasted by whole day from sunrise. Wojski remembered also former traditions of huntings. Gentry hunted only on fat beast (wild boars, bears). Adam Mickiewicz with unusual fondness described the Polish gentry, creating almost the idyllic painting of court life, in which the every conflicts and disputes find the happy end. Despite of fondness, poet is able to afford for objectivism, showing as well the advantage as the defect of gentry. Defects are however introduced with large humour and exchanged in drollery. The patriotism of gentry is emphsise as well as attachment to tradition. Activity of the Robak's priest is the example. She calls out brave putting in relation to Moskals.
Attachment to tradition manifests in warnings old polish hospitality. This attachment to tradition is particularly important in period of loss of independence. Heros of "Pan Tadeusz" love motherland - it testifies about this part Horeszko and Dobrzy?ski at barsk's confederation. They are ready to devotions for motherland (Jacek Soplica). The skill of forgiving is the positive feature of gentry (dying Stolnik forgives W?salowi, and Gerwazy forgives Jackowi after his confession). They were able to be solidary in face of threat of national existence - inn transforms in fight between Moskals. The largest defect of gentry was pettifogging and susceptibility to quarrel - Jacek Soplica commits crime in affection. A perfect illustration of tis feature Asesora's dispute with Rejentem as well as Doweyki from Domeyk?, and first of all pulling oneself by many she did not want summers dispute about lock, in which no from sides to stand down. The impunity of gentry is negative feature (she is not well-educated about what testifies Wojski's lecture about astronomy as well as incomprehension by S?dzia, Hrabia's speech about Gothic architecture lock.S?dzia was reluctant about Tadeusz's studies.Characteristic is reluctance to any innovations and pseudo-scientific theories. Mickiewicz noticed also propagating cosmopolitism among the gentry. Introduced with good-natured humour cosmopolitians are: Telimena and Hrabia. Funny is Hrabia's susceptibility to surviving romantic adventures, from here claims to Gerwazy that he did not bring him to lock at night. unfortunately, he does not value the beauty of native nature, with enchantment remembers the laurel blue of Italian sky. Telimena makes us laugh persistent interventions and trying about husband. Binds her hopes with much younger Tadeusz, the Hrabia becomes with object of her feelings then, with necessity changed on Rejent who can become her husband if he will get dressed according to French fashion. Telimena's cosmopolitism manifested in also, that she with pride remembers her stay in Petersburg, enemy's only nest, it takes pride oneself acquaintance with officials czar's. This the idealized of life and customs of Polish gentry outlined by author painting, he permitted him really to run away from "for latest sorrows, damned brawl" to "country of childish summers".

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