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Random Walks In Biology
(Howard C. Berg)

The author of the book Random Walks in Biology is widely regarded as the
father of biophysics. He was among the first scoentiset who applied
analytical physics approaches to dissect phenomenons in biology.
The book is a brief, 142-page introduction about the diffusion
behaviors of small particles that are occuring in biological settings.
For example, biochemical molecules can diffuse inside the cells in 3D,
or on the plasma membrane in 2D space.
The book starts with a simple illustration of stochastic description of
a particle moving around within a given period of time (microscopic
view) in chapetr 1. The concept of diffusion coefficient based on the
propability equations of such diffusion behavior is introduced. Then
differential equations describing the movement of substances are
discussed i n Chapter 2 from the macroscopic viewpoint.
In later chapters, movemonets composed of diffusions coupled with
other mode of motions, for example, drifting,propulsion, confinements,
are discussed.
Mathematics are used here in a didatic manner, i.e., without robust
deduction or prrof provided. However, the text is very suitable for
biologists who are not familiar with diffusion equations as a
introductory material.
In the appendix, more detials about probability theories and
differntial equations are given. References for advanced reading are
also available at the end of the book.

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