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'fact' Or 'truth'

Write your abstract


This is what everyone want to deny ,although it?s
only ?fact? that man denies most .
There is one fine layer that covers the truth and every
man construct his own philosophy
to hide the fact behind that fine layer that he calls as
his brilliance and intellectual sense ,
as when he is told to describe the fact to some one or
being told to factualise it for any kind
of confessive statement .why man do this ? why it happens
when we describe any kind of
fact through any means of language it changes it?s
property according to
individual understanding of ?fact? into his own version of
As far as I can analyze and put my conclusion in front of
you ,let us understand
that first ? ?fact? can be called as a incident that had
occurred in the past,
just like time as [8pm],we can say that at 9pm the 8pm is
past. One another thing
that comes in front of us is that we can never prove
the ?fact? or ?truth?.we only give
some comparisons and examples to prove that such thing is
fact or truth because we can prove
what is false or what is untrue but we can never prove
truth without it .
Facts are those past situations that had happened and we
can predict future
that may some times become factual for present .
Once again I want to come to the point that I want to raise
is that we can not
categorically say that ,that person has described the fact
as it is because it may
be called as his own version of expression about fact.
We can see many analytical reports about archeological
findings ,there also
they assumes the situations of that particular periods,
but what is ?fact? ? that always remains in past .
To my knowledge I have never seen ?fact?or ?truth? in my
whole life without any comparisons and examples .
I can only say that nobody in this world has ever
proved ?truth? without the help of ?lies?.
Yes ,truth is what that lies with past and present does not
have any power to reach to past.

By- ajai


E-mail - [email protected]

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