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Forest Of The Pygmies
(Isabel Allende)

The young friends Alexander Cold and Nadia Santos follow the grand mother Kate in another trip to the magazine International Geographic, even do, in the beginning Kate was not happy with that, since all the times they have accompanied her they ended involved in adventures, at the end she accepted their presence, after all it isn?t every day that you have the opportunity of doing a safari elephant in Africa.
The safari elephant allows the travellers to see the animals as close as possible, because above an elephant they don?t face the risk of being attacked. This time Kate as no reason of complain because all is going well, if we forget the attack of a group of monkeys to the encampment, which resulted in an infected injury in one of the photographs.
Its time to leave the African continent and the group is preparing to embark in the little plain that will take them to the airport, when they meet a catholic missionary that asks them help to find two missionary friends that were in a village in the middle of the jungle and ceased giving notice a few months before.
The group decides to help the missionary and goes to Ngoubé, but since the jungle is very closed they don?t manage to land near the village, being obligated to land in an edge of a river. During the landing the plain is damaged, so the group has no alternative besides waiting for help to get out there.
Nadia e Alexander decide to go to the jungle, being sure that they will not lost them selves thanks to Nadia?s orientation sense, since she is accustomed to walk in the jungle, because she grow up in the Amazónia. After some time the young friends find a gorilla prisoner in a trap, they decide to help to liberate the gorilla, to do that is necessary to calm down the animal because it is in a state of great agitation. Nadia calms down the gorilla, speaking to it in a language similar to the one she uses to talk with her little monkey Borobá, and Alexander cuts the net that kept it trapped.
The travellers now know that near them should exist a village because some one was responsible for the trap. Some men reaches the encampment by the river, they present themselves as fishermen from a nearby village. They accept to transport the group in exchange of money, but the missionary isn?t willing to accompany them because he hasn?t reach the objective oh his mission, find out news about his missionary colleagues. The group divides; some think that they should go with the fishermen to find help to repair the plane, while others prefer to go with the missionary. They finally reach a consensus, the fishermen should take the group to Ngoubé and be back after four days to transport them to the village and ask for help.
The group prepares the luggage and gets in the fishermen boat that takes them along the river, but in some moment the group faces an altar with voodoo statues, the fishermen refuse to go on and leave the travellers at the edge of the river, promising to come back to pick them up as accorded, but will they keep their promise? And what is the meaning of those statues?

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