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Deception Point
(Dan Brown)

NASA has made an astounding discovery and intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton is called in by President Zach Herney to corroborate the data, along with others, who include popular scientist Michael Tolland. The twist in the tale is that Rachel is the daughter of a senator, who is the President?s chief adversary in the forthcoming elections and a vehement critic of the President?s decision to constantly support the floundering NASA. But the surprise doesn?t end there; the discovery is even more astonishing. A meteorite has been found in the Arctic ice shelf containing fossils of extra- terrestrial life. But during their investigation, Rachel and Michael realize that this finding is nothing but a clever fraud orchestrated by a high-ranked official and consequently, they become the targets of a skilled team of assassins. Their only escape is to expose the deception and the person responsible for it.
Dan Brown writes an intriguing, fast-paced thriller with unexpected twists throughout. Though the end is a bit abrupt and predictable, it makes for an interesting read. Do not expect a Da Vinci code and you won?t be disappointed.

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- Deception Point

- Deception Point

- Deception Point

- Deception Point

Passei.com.br | Biografias


