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The Warden
(Anthony Trollope)

Everything these days must have a meaning - in modern society - I heard a talk the other Sunday by Joanna Trollope and the writer of this book: The Warden and Joanna share a common tradition - the writing game! And of course the same surname.

Anthony Trollope was born in 1815 and died in 1882 - Trollope is best known for his Barchester novels - he was born in London and is descended from a failed Chancery barrister and Frances Trollope a writer who after bankruptcy supported the family. His childhood was spent at Harrow and Winchester and he was despised as a "day boy" presumably /boarders/ were the top set in Victorian England.

His childhood was overshadowed by debt and he was an unhappy child. This poverty prevented Trollope from obtaining a University Education and he got a job as an employee with the Post Office in 1834 as a junior clerk - this led to his movement to Ireland: He travelled a lot to Egypt, the West Indies and the United States of America - during these years he wrote a lot of his novels!

"The Warden" (1855) is Trollope's fourth novel and first critical success - "it was inspired" Trollope said - in his "Autobiography" by an evening stroll in the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral! A great Christian tradition here in the South of England! Salisbury is close to where I am currently sitting - Southampton!

"The Warden" is centred on Reverend Harding and his youngest daughter Eleanor: it tells a story about a moral dilemma created with the confrontations surrounding the problems arising from living off funds intended for other more worthy causes ... these funds were intended for distribution to almshouses which the said gentleman was indeed appointed as a /Warden/

I must admit I too enjoy a stroll down memory lane but some of the story telling is too Victorian even for me! I hate the name "Warden" as it smacks of prison, reform school, hugely unfair "locking up" procedures" and some penal sentencing of totally innocent people .. the /hanging act/ ... and so on ...

However the story continues ... Eleanor our heroine is in love with John Bold ... worthy of attention in modern society though much of its morality is decidedly /dated/ in modern Britain!

Good reading .... read on ...

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