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(christopher marlow)

Everyman as the name suggeST is for everyman living everywhere.Eeryman
gets so engrossed in the acquisition of material wealth that he has no
respect for any living being on planet earth.Thus GOD summons his
messenger death to warn and remind him of his ways. So scared he
meets death and decides to run but there is no escape route for him.He
seeks the support of those he scorned in his hey days to support him
but to no avail.Not even his cousin kindred is prepared to sacrifice
her life for the dreaded journey.Finally, he meets good deeds who
offers no immediate help but takes him to salvation who shows him
the ways of the almighty.At last he is summoned by GOD AND HE EXITS THE
EARTH.This sixteen century piece by marlow, an oxford don stirs in him
to do good to humanity and embrace GODS salvation package.

Resumos Relacionados

- Everyman

- In The Country Of Last Things

- In The Country Of Last Things

- Life And Death

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer?s Stone

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