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The Godfather
(Mario Puzo)

The Godfather-The sum of all wisdom. Probably the neatest book of all time, Realastic and practical are the most striking things about the book. The character of The Don Vitto Corleone is extremely well portrayed, the deadly calm air given to him is simply marellous. The character of Michael Corleone is not too far behind.. In fact all the characters are very effciently developed. The book makes us wake up to the harsh realities of life.. The world has far greater problems than we have seen in our personal life, living in the protected world that we are and how thin is the line between the two worlds. Pros said, let us turn to cons... Too lengthy... it could have easily been made shorter, some of the parallel stories that of Johnny Fontaine for example didnt need as much detail. It would have been much better if Mario Puzo had confined himself to Michael and Vitto and things surrrounding them. Mario Puzo also comes up as a sexist (with all due respect), and that may make girls shrink away from the book. The book was not very efficiently compiled, although well written the story moves in a very haphazard manner, with flashbacks and parallel stories butting in every now and then. But all in all, the book is excellent piece of work-the sum of all wisdom. Skip over the parallel stories if you find them tedious and you wont lose much, but dont skip over Vitto Corleone's formative years. A must read, even with the baggage...

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