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The Faith Of God's Elect
(John F. Parkinson)

In this well-written book, Mr. Parkinson has compellingly countered the popular theological doctrine of ?election for salvation? as he earnestly draws your attention to scripture letting the word of God speak for itself. These are the things they don?t tell you in theological circles but with his able guidance you are able to discern: (1) Scripture never mentions that election is to salvation but always to blessings ? temporal and earthly in the case of the Old Testament saints and spiritual and heavenly in the case of the New Testament Saints; (2) Election is never applied to the unbeliever or sinner but always only for the saint or believer; (3) In the entire Bible you will never find the term ?elect sinner? (4) The roots of Reformed Theology are buried in the writings of the Roman Catholic Bishop, Augustine of Hippo. Among the other heresies Augustine promoted were veneration of relics and the sinlessness and perpetual virginity of Mary. It is sad indeed that so many revered Christian writers have unquestioningly imbibed this doctrine. I would sum up Mr. Parkinson?s message in his own words on Page 39 of his book: ?God has sovereignly chosen how and when he will save. How does God save? He saves by grace. Whom does God save? He saves those who believe.? This book is a must read for the berean-type of Christian.

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- The Bible

- Biblia

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