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The True Love
(Catherine Cookson)

Catherine Cookson is the author of over ninety novels translated in twenty one languages, sold one hundred million copies. The True Love, her last bestseller novel, is about the passionate love and marriage between a young actor and a twenty years older work mate. An extraordinary love that seems it will never finish. And yet? one day, Peter, the main character, meets Yvette, a free spirited young girl, extremely attractive, to whom he couldn?t resist. Very soon, the two are caught by the betrayed wife in a very delicate moment. Will their marriage last in such shaky times? You will find the answer at the end of this exquisite and moving novel.

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- La Fille De La Rue Leam: La Vi(the Girl Of The Street Leam: Life And Writings Of Catherine Cookson )

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- The Zahir

- Love Handles

- Gone With The Wind`

Passei.com.br | Biografias


