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Second Chance
(George Eagles)

Seems like we've already started.
Feeling blue as this sickness is
making my heart weak.
Spending my time watching time pass by.
Hoping that I will get the chance to
hold you before my time is through.
Watching the sun go down feeling my time
is nearly through.
I will make sure this love will reach
you before my time is over.
As I see an angel coming my way,
I see there isn't much time.
I hear her foot steps as I get tired,
Watching my life folding right before my eye's.
As the steps draw near my heart is pounding
for just one last request.
I can see the light as I'm going through emotions
that flow in my heart.
All my life I waited just to be loved,
as the foot steps stop at the end of my bed
I cry out to god,
Please god save me for my purpose is not fulfilled yet.
Watching the people beside me cry asking why I lay
so helpless.
As my life is fading away.
As this light became brighter as a voice of an angel
gave me life and brought me out of a coma
to find that one true love to finally fulfill
my purpose here on earth.
Lying in my hospital bed seeing the tears in
all my family's eye's.
Seeing me lying there weak, But alive,
A second chance at life I got after dying on the table
of a hospital being brought back to life by the will of God.
Now its time to recover and find my soul mate as I know she
will make this love become to life...

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